We are praying for you each day at Mass! We livestream the Saturday 4:00 PM Mass, weekday morning Masses, and other special events via Facebook and at our YouTube channel.
Above, listen to recordings and learn the Mass parts for Fr. Miguel's new "St. Charles Borromeo Mass"!
Votive candles are available for lighting at our Sacred Heart Shrine. The suggested offering is $5 for the large (6-day) candle and $2 for the small. Offerings may be placed in the slot on the front of the shrine.
Children's readings and closed captions
Martha Yalov, our CLOW leader, posts weekly videos on our Facebook page and YouTube channel proclaiming the Sunday readings from a simplified lectionary translation created for children. These videos also contain "closed captions", so they are wonderful for those who suffer from hearing loss or are deaf. They are about 9-10 minutes long. Gather the family and check it out this weekend!
"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14
Monthly Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
CLOW gives children the opportunity to hear the Sunday readings in a simplified version and guides them in applying God's Word in their own lives at our 11:00 AM Sunday Mass once per month. The children are called forward at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Word and then process to the church undercroft for the readings, psalm, Gospel, and Intercessions. They return to the main church before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.