Michael Alegieunu
An altar server can be a boy or girl in grades 4 through 12 who has received the Sacrament of First Communion. An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during the Liturgy. Servers carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest/celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the priest/celebrant and deacon as necessary.
Acolytes are men or women, age 18 and above. An acolyte is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during the Liturgy. Acolytes carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.
Martha Yalov
[email protected]
410-922-2075 (leave a clear message)
CLOW provides children, ages 4 to 10, with a robust, age-appropriate experience of liturgy that parallels what is happening in the assembly they just left. Perhaps after a brief resettling activity like a song or prayer, children hear God's word proclaimed in one or more readings from scripture (always including the gospel). These readings may come from the Lectionary for Masses with Children, which draws on a biblical translation that uses simple but not childish language. By helping younger children navigate the liturgy of the Word in an engaging way, CLOW prepares them to continue listening and responding to God’s word in liturgy and life as they grow in age, grace, and wisdom.
Homer Ayala
[email protected]
The choir fosters the active participation of the faithful through singing. Choirs also have an educational function, often introducing the congregation to a wide variety of sacred music. This can include everything from traditional hymns to contemporary compositions, broadening the musical experience of the community. Music can touch the hearts of believers and non-believers alike, drawing them into the mystery and solemnity of the Mass through traditional and non-traditional or contemporary church music.
Sandy Feulner
[email protected]
The choir fosters the active participation of the faithful through singing. Choirs also have an educational function, often introducing the congregation to a wide variety of sacred music. This can include everything from traditional hymns to contemporary compositions, broadening the musical experience of the community. Music can touch the hearts of believers and non-believers alike, drawing them into the mystery and solemnity of the Mass through contemporary and traditional church music.
Sandy Feulner
[email protected]
Tom Feulner
[email protected]
Ushers and Greeters are called to be Ministers of Hospitality. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship. They are the first point of contact for the communal celebration of the Liturgy. They provide a missal and hymnal to the faithful entering the church and a bulletin at the end of Mass. Ushers seat those who need assistance, make sure that the gifts of bread and wine are in their proper places before Mass, ask members of the assembly to bring forth the gifts at the Offertory, take up the collection, take a count of those in attendance and ensure the church is free from clutter. The Usher informs the Presider or the EM of anyone with physical disabilities so that communion can be brought to them.
Ruthanne Otto
[email protected]
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a lay person or religious who assists the priest or deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful during Mass and/or to the homebound and nursing home residents. To be eligible to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a person must be a baptized, confirmed, actively practicing Catholic and at least 18 years old. Training is provided, but it is important to have a love of and respect for the Eucharist.
Deacon Steve Roscher
[email protected]
A sacristan plays a crucial role in ensuring that everything needed for Mass is properly prepared and maintained. Their duties include the care and organization of the sacristy and sacred objects, such as the chalice, cruets, linens, oils, crosses, candles, vestments, and celebration bells. One important task is preparing a ciborium with sufficient unconsecrated hosts for the expected number of attendees and ensuring that the cruet contains sufficient wine for communion.
Before Mass begins, the sacristan arranges the chalices, lavabo bowl, water, and other essential items on the credence table. They also ensure that all liturgical books are correctly placed and marked for the specific liturgy, and that the proper candles are in position. In addition to these preparations, the sacristan assists visiting priests with vestments and the coordination of the order of events during the service.
Sacristans identify participants, such as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Deacons, and brief visiting priests on parish customs. The sacristan also informs the priest about any parishioners with special needs, such as those with physical disabilities, so that Holy Communion can be brought to them as needed.
Deacon Steve Roscher
[email protected]
Lector is Latin for "one who reads". The lector proclaims the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. The Lector may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer, recite the Psalm between the readings (in the absence of a psalmist), and deliver other information as needed. To be eligible to serve as a Lector, a person must be Confirmed and 18 years of age or older.
Sandy Feulner
[email protected]
The Art and Environment Team (A&E) is dedicated to serve the parish in preparing an atmosphere for worship that will invite the community to raise their hearts and minds to God in full, conscious, and active participation. The goal of this ministry is to care for all the elements of worship ensuring that the liturgical environment is appropriate, authentic, beautiful, and accessible.
The A&E Team is responsible for decorating the church to reflect both the liturgical season and the scriptural readings for the season. Creativity is key for the success of this ministry. Those interested in participating in this ministry should have an interest in arranging and caring for plants/flowers, for decorating and an eye for beauty.
A&E is focused on the preparation of a space for worship. The decorated space should invite all parishioners to enter into the sacred beauty of the Mass while reflecting the theology of the liturgical season. In short, the liturgical environment should elevate the community's prayer and worship. Pope Francis wrote in Evangelii Gaudium: "The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized by beauty in the liturgy."
Angela Dumouchelle
[email protected]
The Deaf Ministry serves parishioners who are deaf or hard of hearing by providing a Sign Language Interpreter for Mass, sacraments, prayer, and parish activities. You can see Angela after most Sunday 8:30 AM Masses.
Deacon Steve Roscher
[email protected]
Are you a parent or grandparent looking to have a child baptized? If so, we offer a baptism preparation session and printed materials to prepare parents and godparents. Children from newborn to pre-school can be scheduled for this important sacrament of initiation in which they are formally welcomed into God's family of believers. Children of school age who are either in Catholic school or our Religious Education program can also be prepared for baptism.
As needed, Deacon Steve Roscher will schedule a baptism preparation session. Normally this is held after the Sunday 11:00 AM Mass in the church. At least one godparent must be a practicing Catholic (as verified by the godparent’s pastor).
We encourage parents to have their children baptized as infants and to take an active role as parishioners. The greatest gift a parent, godparent, or grandparent can give a child is the gift of Faith. None of us carries our possessions into heaven, but our faith in God will carry us into eternity. We would love to welcome you and your children into our family!
Allison Mooney
[email protected]
410-486-5400 ext. 209
Preparation classes for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month in the Watershed School building on the St. Gabriel campus. Classes are offered in both English and Spanish from 10:00 AM – noon.
Each year we have a large number of children of all ages preparing for these sacraments. Children in grades 2-4 are taught together and students in grades 5-8 are taught together. We need volunteer catechists as well as assistants for these classes to prepare the children for entry into full communion in the Catholic faith. What better way to share and deepen your faith than to prepare children to experience Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time?
All volunteers must complete VIRTUS Safe Environment training. Training is provided for each volunteer position, along with experienced catechists to help.
Allison Mooney
[email protected]
410-486-5400 ext. 209
Our children need you! Learning and growing in the Catholic Faith is a lifelong process and one that requires a life dedicated to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Parents are the first teachers of the faith to children, but they are not the only teachers that children need. Regular attendance at Religious Education helps children to grow into faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus and into a Church family!
Our Children's Religious Education program is conducted in cooperation with St. Gabriel parish. Classes are held in the Watershed School building on the St. Gabriel campus on Sunday mornings. Lessons are offered in English from 9:10 – 10:15 AM and in Spanish from 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. Everyone involved in this essential ministry is a volunteer, except our Coordinator of Religious Education. We have volunteer catechists to teach the children, classroom assistants, and volunteers who monitor the entry door and the hallways before, during, and after classes.
We could not teach our children the fundamentals of our Catholic faith without volunteers. Finding people who are available every Sunday is a challenge. There are never as many volunteers as we would like, so if you have any interest and availability, we need you! Even if you are only available some Sundays, we would love to have you!
All volunteers must complete VIRTUS Safe Environment training. Training is provided for each volunteer position, along with experienced catechists to help.
Deacon Vito Piazza
[email protected]
Previously known as RCIA, OCIA is the program that prepares adults to become Catholics, or for baptized adult Catholics to grow more deeply into the Catholic faith. The program typically runs weekly from the Fall until the Easter season at our sister parish St. Gabriel in Woodlawn. The OCIA program serves those who wish to be a member of either St. Gabriel or St. Charles parishes once the formal program is complete. Interested parishioners of St. Charles who wish to participate in OCIA can contact Deacon Steve Roscher at St. Charles ([email protected]) and he will assist them in being registered with Deacon Vito and the pastorate's program.
Diane Fish
[email protected]
St. Charles holds Coffee and Donuts following occasional Sunday Masses. This ministry could use your help! We need individuals, families or groups who can take turns to commit to setting up the Rectory meeting room, making and putting out the coffee, tea, juice, plates and napkins, picking up the donuts that morning, serving after each of the morning Masses, refreshing as needed, and cleaning up after the last Mass.
Sandy Feulner
[email protected]
The Liturgy Committee strives to be effective stewards of the parish liturgy and enables the transformative nature of the liturgy to unfold in the parish and ensure that the parish liturgy is a unified work of prayer and worship. The Liturgy Committee also coordinates the various liturgical ministry efforts in the parish as needed. The Committee meets four times a year to help facilitate the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly in the liturgy.
Tim Fish
[email protected]
The Parish Pastoral Council serves in an advisory capacity to support our priest and the activities of our parish. Council members act as a bridge between parishioners and parish leadership by:
Engaging with fellow parishioners to gather perspectives and input
Participating in quarterly meetings to discuss parish matters
Participating in two joint task force meetings with the parish council from St. Gabriel Church
Serving on working groups or task forces as needed
While not a voting body, the Council is vital in enhancing our faith community's mission. It promotes new initiatives and provides valuable insights on decisions that impact parish life. Council members do not currently have term limits. They bring fresh ideas and diverse viewpoints to support our parish's growth and vitality in key areas like worship, faith formation, outreach, and community building. Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to our parish's vision through the Parish Pastoral Council!
Parish Office
[email protected]
When St. Charles has a parish gathering, celebration or fund-raising event, we currently hold them at our Pastorate parish, St. Gabriel. For each of these events we need people to help set up the room, decorate, help move or stock whatever is needed for the event, and also help to keep the event running smoothly and then clean up after the event. Some of the people who have done this work for years and even decades are no longer able to do so much, and we are urging new people to step up. Please call the parish office if you would be willing to help with these gatherings, or even to take the lead on these efforts.
Gabriel Asaba
This ministry is new to St. Charles but started over 100 years ago. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Rectory basement meeting room. Parish Legion of Mary groups are called a Praesidium, are devoted to Mary through prayer, and the performance of regular and routine apostolic works in the community. The meetings include praying, reporting and discussion. Their auxiliary group supports their main efforts through praying the Rosary and the Cantena. We welcome new members!
Deacon Steve Roscher
[email protected]
Tom Feulner
[email protected]
E Paul Jones
[email protected]
KC is a fraternal organization of Catholic men at least 18 years of age. Together, we're empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. The council is engaged in activities in the realms of family, faith, community and patriotism. Some of the activities include Holy Hours, Coats for Kids, Easter Egg Hunts, March for Life, Soccer Shootouts, and Knight of the Month.
Elizabeth Vincent
[email protected]
All are welcome! On Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, bring your Bible and join us in the Rectory Basement meeting room! We are led by the Holy Spirit in worship, praise, and prayer; we are called to give thanks and to listen to His Word; to care for the needs of our community through prayer, petition, and intercession.
The meetings have a structured plan, but we flow as the Holy Spirit moves us. It's about a deeper relationship with Jesus through the workings of the Holy Spirit. It's all about spending uninterrupted time with God, receiving His Word, sharing His Word, and growing in Him. God is Good... He is mighty... He is merciful!
Ngozi Ike
We are the Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ USA. There are nine Regions in the USA, and we are in region #5. Responding to the Agonizing Jesus Christ's appeal to join him in Gethsemane to watch with him. We adore and console Jesus while making reparations for our sins and that of the whole world. Adoration to the Precious Blood has been in the Catholic Church for centuries; however, the Apostolate with the prayers and Chaplet began after our Lord Appeared to Barnabas, a 17-year-old Nigerian boy in 1995.
We pray at St. Charles Borromeo Church from Thursday at 9:00 PM – Friday at 12:30 AM every Thursday (except before the 3rd Friday of the month). Come and join us and heed to this call. The prayer is for all. Men, women, and children of the whole world are called to pray. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ! Save us and the whole world.
Lori Mooney
[email protected]
or speak to any of our members today for more information
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women, formed in 1903 and with over 63,000 members. Our motto is "Unity and Charity," and our foundation is "Spirituality and Service." We seek to enrich the spiritual life of our members, and perform charitable works where we see a need, embracing the principles of faith and love.
Court St. Charles Borromeo is one of the newest and smallest courts in the state, but we are vibrant and welcoming! We pride ourselves on being small but mighty. We are a diverse group, with a wide variety of ages and backgrounds, united by our common Catholic faith.
Our Court has directed charitable efforts to assembling shoeboxes for Apostleship of the Sea, running our parish Food Pantry, selling Mass cards to help fund scholarships for children attending Catholic schools, and numerous other ministries. We also support Habitat for Humanity, SOAR (Support Our Aging Religious), Missionaries of Charity, and several other charities.
If this sounds like a group you want to join, great! We would love to have you. Our meetings take place the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Rectory basement at St. Charles.
Julianne DeMarco
410-653-0832 or 203-943-9621
We invite girls 6 years and older to gather with us, with a focus on growing our faith and having fun. At our meetings, we study virtues, saints and flowers through crafts and stories, etc., and enjoy a snack. We also support parish events and hold fundraiser outreaches like bake sales and yard sales to make money to support a pregnancy center and an orphanage in Haiti and with thousands of dollars. Join us on the third Friday of each month in the Rectory Basement from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. It's fun and it's FREE! There is absolutely no cost. Come check us out.
Magaly Brantley
[email protected]
The Peruvian residents of Pikesville and surrounding areas always wanted to form a Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles to continue the tradition of the processions that take place in Lima, Peru in the month of October. This devotion developed from a 17th century miracle: an Angolan slave painted a Christ figure on a wall of a hut, and it survived a devastating earthquake when someone tried to remove the painting. The wall was all that was left standing.
Early 2011, the residents met and exchanged ideas. The foundation was established in November 2011, with the goal of holding a Mass and procession at St. Charles Borromeo in 2012. Thanks to the support of Msgr. Lloyd Aiken, the church and procession were offered as the headquarters of the Pikesville, MD Brotherhood starting in 2012. Mass was held in the church, and the procession was carried out with the image of the Lord of Miracles and the Virgin of the Clouds. In 2014, thanks to the efforts of our steward and the support of all members of the Brotherhood, a replica of the float and images of the Lord of Miracles and the Virgin of the Clouds of Peru were brought to MD. The first procession of the Brotherhood was held with the accompaniment of the Brotherhoods of Maryland, Washington, and Virginia.
Year after year, the Holy Mass and procession in honor of the Lord of Miracles is held here at St. Charles on the first Sunday in October. The Brotherhood is always grateful to all who collaborated to make our training a reality through their donations and participation in our activities.
Seminarian Thang Pham
[email protected]
Our Youth Group is an interactive youth ministry program designed for high schoolers (grades 9-12). It provides a dedicated and nurturing space within the church for teens to grow in their faith, spirituality, fellowship, and personal development. It also helps the teens develop a personal relationship with God and participate actively in the Church through the ministries and services of the Church. The mission of the group is to support and accompany each other on the journey of faith and bring the light of Christ to the world. The group meets every first Sunday evening of the month.
Jeanette Pearl
[email protected]
Parish nursing, technically called Faith Community Nursing, is a specialized nursing practice. The American Nurses Association and Heath Ministries Association define it, broadly speaking, as "the intentional care of the spirit as well as the promotion of whole-person health and the prevention of illness within the context of a faith community as well as the wider community."
The scope of Parish Nursing is not adequately described by any definition but rather depends on the particular parish, its size, age, health problems, and existing resources in the wider community. At St. Charles, my work has been mostly with individual parishioners or families, seen one at a time. The focus is their spiritual and mental well-being. Often there is a need for some health education or a referral. In every visit with a parishioner, I consider their spiritual well-being. The parishioners I see are typically elderly or disabled, in hospital, nursing home, or homebound.
My tools are few: stethoscope, BP cuff, prayer, and, where requested, Holy Communion. But being a good listener is primary and one of the most important services I can offer. I have seen parishioners for a single visit, multiple visits, weekly, and for a year or longer. Occasionally a parish activity like a blood drive, or a blood pressure screening activity will be organized.
To become a Parish Nurse, education requirements are:
a Bachelors in nursing with a certificate in Parish Nursing
a minimum of 4 years as a licensed RN
and a current MD nursing license
Martha Yalov
[email protected]
410-922-2075 (leave a clear message)
Planning for this ministry is a work in progress. Your participation is welcomed; contact us if you are interested or have questions!
Lori Mooney
[email protected]
for more information or to volunteer
Do you want to make a difference in someone's life? Fill an empty belly!
The St. Charles Food Pantry feeds the hungry of our community. It's a blessing to see the smiles on their faces and learn the impact we are making in their lives. Parishioners provide support to our pantry by donating food and money, and volunteering in the Pantry. Volunteers answer the phone, shelve food, and pack orders.
Your donations help keep our food pantry well stocked to meet the needs of our community.
Canned Meats – tuna, chicken, Spam®, chili, Vienna sausages
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Hearty Soups – chicken, beef, creamy, tomato, etc.
Baked Beans
Potatoes – instant/canned
Spaghetti Sauce
Evaporated Milk
Canned Veggies – carrots, peas, mixed veggies, corn, green beans, spinach, etc.
Canned Pasta – spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna, etc. (Chef Boyardee® type)
Canned Fruits – pears, peaches, fruit cocktail, etc.
Jell-O – regular and sugar-free
Crackers – regular and low salt
Ramen Noodles
Gravy – jars/cans/packets
Healthy Cereals – Cheerios, Chex, Raisin Bran, Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, etc.
Hot Cereal – oatmeal, grits, Cream of Wheat®, etc.
Also needed — Low Sodium and Low Sugar items
We are unable to accept perishables items, and all donations must be in-date and unopened. Donations can be placed in the shopping carts provided in the vestibule or dropped at the Rectory: Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Ruthanne Otto
[email protected]
The Giving Tree depends on the long-standing generosity of all the parishioners of St. Charles. Each Advent, this magnanimous parish outreach to the community is our chance to care for those around us who can use some extra help at Christmas. For a few weeks in Advent, parishioners can select a tag, or tags from the GIVING TREE and enjoy shopping for one or all 4 of the deserving ministries we serve.
Not a shopper? Parishioners can donate money and Giving Tree volunteers will do the shopping.
Underwear, warm hats, gloves and hoodies are desperately needed for the homeless men served by Breaking Bread with the Hungry at St. Vincent de Paul, Fr. Ray's parish in the inner city.
The bed linens, towels, robes, slippers and gift toiletries we supply are important practical needs for the women turning their lives around, moving from dependence to independence, with the help of Marian House.
We provide monetary support for the sonogram program as well as diapers, wipes, bath products and infant clothing for the newborn babies whose moms are served by the crisis pregnancy center, Women's Center West in Catonsville.
For the 120 residents of our neighbor Autumn Lake Healthcare we provide an individual "somebody cares about you" gift they find on their bed on Christmas morning — a book, soft throw, game or crafts, body wash and lotion, a sweater or new pj's selected especially for them.
Jeanette Pearl
[email protected]
Respect life ministry promotes life from natural conception until natural death through prayer, education, legislation ad pastoral programs. It is concerned with the following issues: abortion; physician assisted suicide/euthanasia; death penalty; end of life and bioethics.
To celebrate the birth of new babies in the pastorate and to promote prayer as well as a supportive prayerful environment for their families.
To stay informed about legislative news regarding abortion, physician assisted suicide, euthanasia, end of life, the death penalty, and bioethics.
Pray for and support pregnancy centers that are anti-abortion and foster a supportive community attitude.
To provide spiritual adoption handouts in October.
To pray for the sick of the pastorate and our fellow parishioners. Pray the Rosary after daily Mass and on Sunday after the 8:30 AM Mass.
To participate in the Archdiocesan programs during the ‘40 Days for Life’ in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
To provide a comprehensive guide on important issues related to end-of life decision making.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you."
– Jeremiah 1:5
Project Rachel is a ministry offering post-abortion counseling, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Please call 410-625-8491 or click here for the Project Rachel Baltimore website. You can also visit the national Project Rachel website which offers compassionate advice, articles, resources, prayers, and much more.
Mary Ann Sorra, M.D., OB/GYN stopped prescribing artificial contraception and adopted the use of natural family planning in her medical practice in 2009. (Read the Catholic Review article about her.) She then partnered with Saint Agnes to start Natural Fertility Care. She believes she became a better doctor after making that transition — better able to care for the whole human person, body and soul. She trained at the Pope Paul VI Institute and became a Medical Consultant for NaPro technology in 2011. She is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and a member of the American Association of Pro-life Ob/Gyns. If you are looking for quality, life-affirming, reproductive medical care, then click here to read more about Dr. Sorra and contact her team.
Maternity Counseling / Adoption Services
These services are offered by Catholic Charities in Baltimore. They offer the support needed to make the best decision for you and your baby. You can reach their Center for Family Services at 667-600-2400, or call 410-659-4050 or 1-800-CARE-002.
Pregnant, need help? Call 1-800-ANGEL-OK.
Lori Mooney
[email protected]
What would Christmas be like without food on your table? Our Christmas Box Outreach makes sure the families we serve will not have to find out. Each year, through the generosity of St. Charles parishioners, we provide food for our neighbors who would go hungry if not for you. Donations are collected and boxes are prepared for distribution before the Christmas holiday.
A list of food items needed for the boxes is published in the bulletin in November. In addition to food items, we collect monetary donations for grocery gift cards. The families use the cards to purchase perishables for their meals. Volunteers are needed to help organize, pack, and distribute the food boxes to our neighbors in need. Contact us for more information or to volunteer!
Deacon Steve Roscher
[email protected]
or his wife, Nancy
(Year-round feeding of homeless and limited income community members)
St. Charles parish provides casseroles to Catholic Charities' "Our Daily Bread" meal center in Baltimore. Limited income and homeless folks are able to receive a free hot meal daily at the ODB center. Six times a year our parish provides 40 or more casseroles of homemade "Texas Hash" prepared by our members.
Each casserole provides at least 12 meals to the folks who come to the center. When we meet our allotment, that means that the donation from St. Charles has provided 480 meals to our brothers and sisters who are hungry. It is our hope that we can increase our casseroles to 40 per month (as it was prior to COVID). If we can do that, we will be providing nearly 6,000 hot meals each year.
We urge you to become one of our "Casserole Cooks" each month. We also accept donations of store-bought large pans of frozen lasagna or mac 'n' cheese. "When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat (Matthew 25)." We invite you join the team by providing food, and we welcome you to also become part of the organizing efforts.
In a large skillet cook and stir meat, onions, and green pepper until meat is brown and vegetables are tender. Drain off fat. Add salt, pepper, and chili powder. In a separate bowl mix tomatoes and rice. Add the two mixtures together in the casserole pan. Cover with aluminum foil and freeze.
Please note: there are stickers on the pans for you to put your name and the date.
St. Charles delivers casseroles to Our Daily Bread every other month on the third Wednesday of odd-numbered months (January, March, May, etc.). Frozen casseroles can be dropped off at the parish office during normal business hours. We need to have at least 40 per month. For your convenience, you can deliver frozen casseroles to the rectory at any time up to the Tuesday before the third Wednesday of the odd-numbered months.
Pans with the recipe may be picked up at the Parish Office or in the rear of the church. If you cannot freeze your casseroles for some reason, we will freeze them. As always, we will be at the Rectory Garage between 8:00 — 9:00 AM on the third Wednesday.
Store-bought party-sized (90+ oz.) lasagna and mac & cheese casseroles are also gratefully accepted.
Our Daily Bread also has a regular "wish list" of items which include:We are happy to store these items at the rectory if you would like to make a donation.