The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Morning Mass will be celebrated, as usual, at 7:30 AM.
The St. Charles Borromeo Council #3960 invites you to play the Rosary with us on the 4th Tuesday of every month at Holy Family Parish in Randallstown. We begin at 7PM and pray all four mysteries. It typically takes about an hour and 15 minutes. The power of prayer is at its strongest when many pray at the same time!
All are invited to join God's Love Charismatic Prayer Group on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in the Rectory Basement (rear entrance). Bring your Bible and join us! Believe in the power of prayer!
Our next delivery date for Our Daily Bread is Wednesday, March 19. Frozen casseroles can be dropped off at the Parish Office during normal business hours. Pick up pans with recipes at the Parish Office or in the rear of the church.
Our Food Pantry is currently in need non-perishable food items. They may be dropped off at the Parish Office (M-F, 9AM-3PM) or placed in the shopping baskets in the church vestibule. Thank you for being His hands and feet!
The St. Charles Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas (JCDA) is a small group of girls who meet on the third Friday of the month from 6:00 – 7:30 PM. We invite all young ladies ages 6 and above to come join us. Our group focuses on growing in our faith together and having FUN!!!
The Legion of Mary meets on Saturdays at 12:00 PM in the Rectory basement meeting room. New members are welcome! For any questions or for more details, please contact Gabriel Asaba at 443-929-3936.
We are excited to offer two 175th anniversary commemorative rosaries! They will be made in Italy and are custom-designed by Ghirelli based on our historic church, crucifix above the altar, and the statue of St. Charles. Click to learn more and to order.
Wednesday, January 1st is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. It is a Hoy Day of Obligation. We will have Masses at St. Charles on Tuesday, December 31 at 6PM and Wednesday, January 1 at 9AM. The Parish Office will be CLOSED on January 1.
Join us for Mass as we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord! On Christmas Eve — Tuesday, December 24: Masses at 4PM and 8PM. On Christmas Day — Wednesday, December 25: Mass at 9:00 AM.
We'll be putting up the Christmas trees, garland, ribbons, and wreaths in the church on Saturday, December 21, starting at 9:00 AM. If you can lend a hand, or two, and help get our beautiful church ready for Christmas, please join us!
Bring the figure of Baby Jesus from your home Nativity scene to Mass on the weekend of December 14-15 for this special blessing! This tradition reminds families about the joyous event of Baby Jesus' arrival in the manger.
Join us for a Christmas Concert and Dinner on Saturday, December 14 at 6:00 PM in the St. Gabriel School Hall. The program will feature a variety of talented choirs from St. Gabriel, Fr. Miguel and Fr. Canisius, and the St. Charles Borromeo Traditional and Contemporary Choirs! Click for tickets and full details.
We are sponsoring our annual drive to provide Christmas food boxes for 75 families in need in our community. Food donations can be brought to the church or the rectory during parish office hours through Tuesday, December 10. Click for full details!
We will have a Penance Service for the season of Advent for our Pastorate AT ST. GABRIEL on Wednesday, December 11 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM, including the opportunity for individual confessions in English and Spanish.
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary — a Holy Day of Obligation and Patronal Feast Day of the United States of America — will be observed on Monday, December 9. Masses will be at 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM, and 7:30 PM at St. Charles.
Each year, the members of St. Charles band together to reach out to the less fortunate in our community at Christmas time through our Giving Tree outreach. Click to learn about supporting many local ministries. Gifts must be received by December 8.
Come join us as we gather to give thanks to God for all his blessings and to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mass for the Pastorate on Thursday, November 28 at 9AM. Bring the bread and/or wine to be shared at your Thanksgiving table for a blessing!
In November 2023 we began a year-long anniversary celebration. We have an amazing calendar of events to celebrate this milestone with our beautiful parish community. Participate with us throughout the year in this perfect opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners, to worship, and to rejoice in our shared history!