Deacon Steve will lead a Holy Hour in honor of the Feast of the Holy Family on Friday, December 30 from 7-8PM. Join us for the Liturgy of the Hours, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, silent prayer and devotion, Holy Scripture, and Benediction.
Join us for Mass as we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord! On Christmas Eve — Saturday, December 24: Masses at 4PM and 8PM. On Christmas Day — Sunday, December 25: Masses at 8:30 AM and 11AM. All are welcome!
Fr. Canisius warmly invites you to the parish Rectory for a Christmas Open House on December 17 and 18 following each of our regular Masses. Please join your fellow parishioners for light refreshments and some holiday cheer!
Christmas flower memorial envelopes are included in the December offering envelope packet and can also be found in the church vestibule. Please return yours to the parish office by December 19 or use online giving.
Calling all children in grades K-8 and their parents! Help us celebrate the season at the 4PM Mass on Saturday, December 17 by joining the choir in a special musical selection. It will be a festive day followed by our Christmas Open House.
Our fundraising Basket Raffle tickets are on sale! Tickets will also be sold after some Masses and at the Christmas Open House on December 17/18, where the winners will be drawn at 1:30 PM (Dec. 18). Click for full details and the online ticket form.
Deacon Steve will lead a Holy Hour in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Monday, December 12 from 7-8PM, with the Liturgy of the Hours, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, periods of silent prayer & devotion, Holy Scripture & Benediction.
Thursday, December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary — a Holy Day of Obligation and Patronal Feast Day of the United States of America. Masses will be at 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM, and 7:30 PM.
We are sponsoring our annual drive to provide Christmas food boxes for 75 families in need in our community. Food donations can be brought to the church or the rectory during parish office hours through Thursday, December 8. Click for full details!
Join us for "Be Renewed in the Lord" on December 4, 5, and 6 from 6-8 PM each evening. Our guest speaker and presenter is Fr. Emmanuel Acquaye OFM Conv. Give yourself the gift of time, personal reflection, and a Spirit of community.